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Back and Neck pain

Back and neck pain can be associated with a number of reasons, spinal disc problems, spondylosis, ligament injuries, injuries from sprains, fractures, or accidents, and pelvic inflammatory diseases are considered to be the major causes.

Ayurveda for back and neck pain

According to Ayurveda,back and neck pain mainly occurs due to poor or unhealthy diet and bad posture, which in turn results in the lack of flexibility of the muscles, causing severe pain in the upper, middle or lower back. As the pain continues to aggravate, it tends to spread to both the sides of the waist as well as the hip. Although back pain can be associated with a number of reasons, spinal disc problems, ligament injuries, injuries from sprains, fractures, or accidents, and pelvic inflammatory diseases are considered to be the major causes

Arthritis, Rheumatism

Ama Vatha

Rheumatoid arthritis, an inflammatory issue that affects the joints of hands and feet, particularly the synovial joints, causes acute pain and swelling, ultimately resulting in joint deformities and bone erosion. It is an autoimmune disorder which is triggered when the immune system of our body mistakenly starts attacking our tissues. Apart from the joints of hands and feet, rheumatoid arthritis can also affect the organs including skin, eyes, lungs, and blood vessels. Although arthritis is commonly found among those beyond the age of forty, it needn’t be the same in every case.

According to Ayurveda, Vata dominance or aggression is the main cause of arthritis. Upon aggravation, Vata combines with Ama, otherwise known as toxin, and gets accumulated in various joints of our body, thus causing ‘Amavata’. Improper digestion is one of the main causes of accumulation of Ama, or undigested toxic material.

Remedies for arthritis:

1.  Ayurvedic method - As Ama and Vata are the main causative factors, a long term remedy for arthritis should include some in-depth treatment methods to digest Ama and reduce Vata. The digestion should slowly improve from time to time, thus reducing the production of Ama, so that no further Ama is created in the long run.  This is a slow, steady, and gradual method, and involves a series of authentic ayurvedic treatments.

2.  Fasting is highly essential to boost the digestion of Ama. Fasting can either be complete or be partial.

3. Light exercises should complement the daily ayurvedic treatments. The amount and intensity of exercises can vary from person to person, depending on their limits.

4.  Liberal intake of fruit juices that are rich in Vitamin C will help enhance the effectiveness of the ayurvedic anti-arthritis therapiess. Vitamin C is highly essential to reduce skeletal pain.

Paralysis, Stroke and Other Neuromuscular conditions

Paralysis is loss of muscle function for one or multiple muscles. It can also be associated with sensory and motor loss. The rate of paralysis is very high. One in 50 is affected and it can either be temporary or permanent. The most common kind of paralysis is the partial paralysis or hemiplegia wherein the muscle function of all the muscles of one side of the body is affected. This could also be due to a stroke. In this condition the patient feels difficulty in using the limbs of the affected side even for minor functions. Speech is also affected in certain conditions Hemiparesis is weakness of the entire left or right side of the body.

Cause : The most common cause for this condition is cerebral hemorrhage. Usually cerebral hemorrhage is caused either by an injury or increase in blood pressure leading to a stroke. According to Ayurveda indulgence is excess of Vata increasing activities like sleeplessness, over exertion and food which are dry and under nourishing are the main reasons. Due to this Vata aggrevates and affects the nerves on one side of the body.

Management Once the clinical parameters like blood pressure and sugar are under control then the best option is to undergo the panchkarma therapy for paralytic condition. External application of oil is the best line of treatment. The focus is mostly to restore the movement and flexibility of the affected part. Every therapies Is focused on decreasing the Vata.

Lifestyle diseases

Only minor changes in the lifestyle are needed to lead a better life when suffering from diabetes, bad cholesterol and BP. Along with the cleansing therapy we also give tips on healthy cooking and weight reduction exercises. Udvarthana is an important therapy, which helps in tackling obesity, bad cholesterol and other lifestyle related disorders.

Service costs

Initial Consultation: Free

  • Tongue Evaluation

  • Pulse Diagnostics / Nadi check

  • Plan for course of Panchakarma

  • Food restrictions

 Important Ayurvedic Therapies


This is a special type of oil massage in which the therapist strokes the body according to the circulatory channels for 45 minutes per day for 14 days.

This therapy is very useful for obesity, loss of skin luster, sleeplessness and fatigue.

Lukewarm herbal oils are poured into a cap fitted on the head and held for 15 to 60 minutes per day according to the patient’s condition, for a period of 7 days.



Pizhichil is one of the rare and special therapy of Kerala. During this therapy, lukewarm herbal oils are applied all over the body by two to four trained therapists in a special rhythmic way for 60 to 90 minutes per day for a period of 7 to 21 days. This ttherapy is done on a special table made from a single piece of Strycnos Nuxvomica wood.


Njavarakizhi is a sudation process in which the whole body or part of the body is made to perspire through the application of hot boluses filled with medicinal herbs. Two therapists perform this therapy for 60 to 90 minutes per day for a period of 14 days.

This process is for all types of pain in the joints and nervous system.


Siro means head and Dhara is continuous flow of a liquid. In this process, herbal oils, medicated milk or medicated butter milk are poured on the forehead in a special way for approximately 40 minutes per day for a period of 7 to 21 days.

This process is mainly for destressing.


Otherwise known as Medicated Enema. Vasthi is a therapeutic procedure in which specific herbal oils and extracts are applied through the rectum daily for a period of 5 to 25 days.


Udvarthanam is otherwise known as powder massage. In this procedure, 2 therapists apply special herbal powders to the body in a peculiar way for 30 to 40 minutes daily for a period of 14 to 28 days.


Being one among the Panchakarma procedures, Nasyam is a therapy in which herbal juices or medicated oils are applied through the nose for 7 to 14 days.


Cloth boluses filled with herbal leaves or powders are applied to the whole or part of the body after being dipped in warm medicated oil. This is done for 45 minutes daily for a period of 7 to 14 days.


In this process, specially prepared warm medicated oil is kept on the lower back for 45 to 60 minutes.

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